Why are we the best YouTube MP3 Converter?
We are 100% legal. We are the best youtube-mp3.org copy on the internet. We are also better than any other converter website. YTmp3.net uses your web browser and device CPU to convert the video into a MP3 file. All we do is stream the raw untouched copy of the video from its source, your device does the rest. This is why we cannot be responsible for how you use this tool. It's meant for personal (non-commercial) use only.
What is YouTube MP3?
YTmp3.net is the easiest FREE online service for converting videos to mp3. You don't need an account, the only thing you need is a YouTube link. We will start the download and conversion of your videofile to mp3 as soon as you submit the link. Your conversion request will use your own device processor to convert the youtube video into mp3 format. We need anywhere from 10 seconds to 1 minute per video depending on your internet connection and device processor speed.